Responsible Tourism is about enabling local communities to enjoy a better quality of life through increased socio-economic benefits and an improved environment, through the efforts and development of tourism in the area. Sustainable Tourism is about going about Responsible tourism in such a way that it maintains or enhances the environment and the socio-economic aspects developed by tourism to the extent it is sustainable - in other words will be able to continue into the future.

It is also about, at the same time, providing better holiday experiences for tourists and good opportunities opportunities for tourism enterprises.Around the world, tourism destinations are facing increasing pressures on their natural, cultural and socio-economic environments. Uncontrolled tourism growth invariably results in unacceptable impacts that harm society and the environment. More and mre people are traveling than ever before, and long and short distances are covered with equal ease and availability. For this reason it is necessary to develop and control tourism of all types in a sustainable and acceptable manner, so that it will not only significantly improve the quality of life of all members of the local communities in which they operate, but also minimize impacts to the environment, culture and attractions such that it is sustainable for future generations.
This short course outlines some of the concepts and defines some of the catch-words of the industry, necessary to understand before proceeding to more detailed and specialized courses.