• System Overview

    Comet Training is a Learning Management System (LMS) site for a variety of training programs we have developed and created, targeted at Large and Small Businesses as well as Individuals
    The courses cover a range of market sectors from Tourism, Environment, Technical, Life Skills, Industry, Health and Safety

    The Penny Ferry Co.(Pty) Ltd is the holding company working independently and with various associates, and trading variously as Penny Ferry Training  and Comet Training


    For more information refer to our website Comet Training, and/or send us an e-mail request or feedback. We welcome good and bad comments to the system and site, to help us improve our services

    To start your Course(s), you need to be signed in, then click on the Course Heading (blue)

Available courses

The Modules of this Course are the additional Modules for the Nature (Marine) Site Guide Level 2 Course with specialty Whale Watching.

These modules can only be completed after completing the Main Marine Site Guide Level 2 Course.

COMET LogoThis is a full Whale Watching Course, that is applicable to Boat-Based Whale Watching as well as Land-Based Whale Watching.

Both activities require the presence of a qualified Tour / SIte Guide, that has also completed this specialized course on Whale Watching.
This course is not a Tourist / Site Guide Course.

The course was approved by MCM - now DAFF (Ocean and Coasts) - and used to be a Boat Based Whale Watching Permit requirement, but is no longer a requirement. It is a long, but comprehensive course and covers the Geography and Metrology of the South African marine and coastal areas, Weather Conditions, some common Species of animal, fish and reptiles that are likely to be encountered in different areas during normal whale watching excursions along the coastline. It attempts to give the Guide an extensive overall knowledge of the ecosystems in which they will be working.

The course also covers the mandatory Approach Regulations and Permit Conditions, and consists of 12 Modules, all of which have to be completed successfully in order to obtain accreditation. A 13th Module applies specifically to Boat Based Whale Watching - Permit Conditions and Best Practice.

A Practical Approach Module also needs to be completed for those wishing to work with Boat-Based Whale Watching. This can be done on arrangement by sending an e-mail to info@pennyferrytraining.com or info@comet.training

This is an Accredited Course, accredited by CATHSSETA, and covers the requirements for learners to become qualified and eligible for Registration as a Nature Site Guide (Level 2) 

The course covers the requirements of the Skills Program as determined by SAQA, and training in the range of outcomes defined in the following Unit Standards: 

  • Unit Standard 8440 "Conduct a guided nature experience in a limited geographical area" Level 2, 21 Credits 
  • Unit Standard 8478 "Create a guided experience for customers" Level 2, 20 credits 

 To achieve these Credits for each Unit Standard, 1 credit translates into 10 notional hours of learning. 

Thus the Skills Program requires 41 Credits which means approximately 410 hours of learning (theory and practical) 

 The course consists of between 12 and 16 Modules that cover the above Unit Standards outcomes, as well as detailed information on flag-ship species (whales and dolphins) in the area depending on the business operation the learner will be guiding for. 

 Each Module consists of a Presentation with Course Notes covering the subject matter, and requires the completion of a multi-choice Quiz to test the knowledge of the Learner. Some modules are accompanied by Video material, and some have Assignments that also need to be completed and submitted for scoring. 


This is an Accredited Course, accredited by CATHSSETA, and covers the requirements for learners to become qualified and eligible for Registration as a Nature Site Guide (Level 2) for Marine and Coastal Guiding

The course covers the requirements of the Skills Program as determined by SAQA, and training in the range of outcomes defined in the following Unit Standards: 

  • Unit Standard 8440 "Conduct a guided nature experience in a limited geographical area" Level 2, 21 Credits 
  • Unit Standard 8478 "Create a guided experience for customers" Level 2, 20 credits 

 To achieve these Credits for each Unit Standard, 1 credit translates into 10 notional hours of learning. 

Thus the Skills Program requires 41 Credits which means approximately 410 hours of learning (theory and practical) 

 The course consists of several learning Modules that cover the above Unit Standards outcomes. Each Module consists of a Presentation with Course Notes covering the subject matter, and requires the completion of a multi-choice Quiz to test the knowledge of the Learner. Some modules are accompanied by Video material, and some have Assignments that also need to be completed and submitted for scoring. The progression through the Modules is controlled in order to enable a Formative assessment of each Learner.

This is an Accredited Course, accredited by CATHSSETA, and covers the requirements for learners to become qualified and eligible for Registration as a Nature Site Guide (Level 2) for Terrestrial Locations (Marine Guiding is handled by a separate course)

The course covers the requirements of the Skills Program as determined by SAQA, and training in the range of outcomes defined in the following Unit Standards: 

  • Unit Standard 8440 "Conduct a guided nature experience in a limited geographical area" Level 2, 21 Credits 
  • Unit Standard 8478 "Create a guided experience for customers" Level 2, 20 credits 

 To achieve these Credits for each Unit Standard, 1 credit translates into 10 notional hours of learning. 

Thus the Skills Program requires 41 Credits which means approximately 410 hours of learning (theory and practical) 

 The course consists of several learning Modules that cover the above Unit Standards outcomes. Each Module consists of a Presentation with Course Notes covering the subject matter, and requires the completion of a multi-choice Quiz to test the knowledge of the Learner. Some modules are accompanied by Video material, and some have Assignments that also need to be completed and submitted for scoring. The progression through the Modules is controlled in order to enable a Formative assessment of each Learner.

The Modules of this Course are the additional Modules for the Nature (Marine) Site Guide Level 2 Course with specialty Recreational Deep Sea Fishing.

These modules can only be completed after completing the Main Marine Site Guide Level 2 Course.

The Modules of this Course are the additional Modules for the Nature (Marine) Site Guide Level 2 Course with specialty Shark Cage Diving.

These modules can only be completed after completing the Main Marine Site Guide Level 2 Course.

Administrative Assistants are a key part of most office environments. They work quietly in the background, ensuring that the business runs smoothly and efficiently. This course will give administrative assistants tools that will make them that person that the office can't live without. Experienced administrative assistants will learn new tools that will make them more efficient and valuable than ever.

In the Administrative Support course, participants will learn the core skills that will help them use their resources efficiently, manage your time wisely, communicate effectively, and collaborate with others skillfully. The practices presented in this course may take time to be a part of your daily work routine. However, making the commitment to consistently apply the concepts every day is the key to changing and adopting new behaviors in a short amount of time.

Course Overview and Description

Essentially, our world revolves around numbers, and there is nowhere more important than in a Company or Organisation. They are used to monitor and control the Financial Health of the organisation, steering it towards profitability and ensuring the sustainability of the operation and the well-being of the owners and employees alike.

This course introduces the bookkeeping and accounting processes used to financially manage the organisation, dealing with the very basics of what you need to know and understand.
Financial management has a language almost of it's own, and you need to firmly grasp that language in order to understand the logic of the bookkeeping and accounting process.
Thus we start at the very bottom and work upwards, with the following objectives.

Course Objectives:
  • Understand basic accounting terminology.
  • Identify the differences between the cash and accrual accounting methods.
  • Keep track of your business by becoming familiar with accounts payable and accounts receivable.
  • Use a journal and general ledger to document business financials.
  • Utilise the income statement and balance sheet.
  • Identify the different types of financial statements.
  • Look at budgeting and it's importance to the organisation.
  • Become familiar with Internal and External Auditing.

Can you tell if someone is telling the truth just by looking at them? It is a skill that a lot of people do not have. Through Body Language Basics you will be given a set of tools to use to your advantage. These tools can be utilized in the office and at home. Understanding Body Language will provide you a great advantage in your daily communications.

Body Language Basics will provide you with a great set of skills to understand that what is not said is just as important than what is said. It will also give you the ability to see and understand how your own Body Language is being seen. You will be able to adjust and improve the way you communicate through non-verbal communications.

A company's ethics will determine its reputation. Good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. Implementing an ethical program will foster a successful company culture and increase profitability. Developing a Business Ethics program takes time and effort, but doing so will do more than improve business, it will change lives.

A company's ethics will have an influence on all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company including customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc. All of these groups will have an effect on the way a company's ethics are developed. It is a two-way street; the influence goes both ways, which makes understanding ethics a very important part of doing business today. Ethics is very important, as news can now spread faster and farther than ever before.

Course Objectives:

  • Define and understand ethics.
  • Understand the benefits of ethics.
  • Create strategies to implement ethics at work.
  • Recognize social and business responsibility.
  • Identify ethical and unethical behavior.
  • Learn how to make ethical decisions and lead with integrity.
Writing is a key method of communication for most people, and it's one that many people struggle with.

Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating through email and text messaging.

Developing writing skills is still important is the business world as creating proper documents (such as proposals, reports, and agendas), giving you that extra edge in the workplace. This Business Writing course will give learners a refresher on basic writing concepts (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and an overview of the most common business documents.

These basic skills will provide learners with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.
Phone skills are a highly valuable tool to have in an employee's skill-set, and Call Center Training will help provide those skills. This course will help your participants improve their phone skills which will make them more confident, improve sales, and help gain new customers while retaining your current clientele.
A more confident employee is also one that is happier, and happier employees will produce happier customers.

Call Center Training will lower costs as it can reduce turnover. Participants will learn the skills to improve productivity and performance. This will produce a positive environment throughout your company and help influence the organization as a whole.

Evaluating metrics and coaching are also used to make sure the participants are reaching their potential, and to keep their skill-set at a high level.
For the better part of every day, we are communicating to and with others. Whether it's the speech you deliver in the boardroom, the level of attention you give your spouse when they are talking to you, or the look you give the cat, it all means something.

The Communication Strategies short course will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit for any organization and its employees. They will trickle down throughout the organization and positively impact everyone involved.
This Course will look at all types of customers and how we can serve them better and improve ourselves in the process.
It is necessary that employees are suitably capable of: -
  • State what customer service means in relation to all your customers, both internal and external
  • Identifying and meeting customer needs and expectations 
  • Recognizing problems and resolving customer complaints
  • Enhancing the experience of customers through pro-active anticipation of their expectations
  • Using their experience to enhance and improve the services on offer by the organization
  • Ensuring good communication with customers
  • Recognize how your attitude affects customer service
  • Use outstanding customer service to generate return business
  • Build good will through in-person customer service
  • Provide outstanding customer service over the phone
  • Connect with customers through online tools
  • Deal with difficult customers

Underlying the above is, of course, to treat everyone with due respect, politeness and consideration irrespective of nationality, colour or creed.

Would you like to be your own boss? 
Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business?
Don’t know what to do about your great business idea?

If you have ever thought about these situations then you need this Entrepreneurship Course.
Let our Entrepreneurship Course help you achieve your dreams.

Being an entrepreneur can be full of risks. These risks are minimized through drafting a business plan, knowing your competition, and successful marketing.
All these and more can be found in our Entrepreneurship Course.

Participants will learn how to use the basic features of Excel 2007. This e-learning experience incorporates a hands-on approach to learning.

Learners will get a chance to practice some of the basic features right on a computer. Taking the time to learn about the basic features of Excel 2007 will increase their document creation skills.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most versatile business and database applications in the world today, so it’s important to have a firm grasp on the basics. To begin, the Learners will learn basic worksheet tasks, such as how to manage and enter data into cells, sort data and do basic calculations automatically.

Participants will learn how to use the basic features of Word 2007. This e-learning experience incorporates a hands-on approach to learning.

Learners will get a chance to practice some of the basic features right on a computer. Taking the time to learn about the basic features of Word 2007 will increase their document creation skills.

Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used applications in the world today, so it’s important to have a firm grasp on the basics. To begin, the Learners will learn basic word processing tasks, such as how to type, delete, and edit text. Then, we’ll look at some of Word 2007 Essential features, including formatting tools, bullets and numbering, themes, and headers and footers.

Participants will learn how to use the basic features of Word 2013. This e-learning experience incorporates a hands-on approach to learning. 

It is far easier if it is an update to knowledge and skills gained by using a previous version of Word, but not essential. 

Word Learners will get a chance to practice some of the basic features right on a computer. Taking the time to learn about the basic features of Word 2013 will increase their document creation skills. 

 Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used applications in the world today, so it’s important to have a firm grasp on the basics. To begin, the Learners will learn basic word processing tasks, such as how to type, delete, and edit text. The course then introduces some of Word 2013 Introduction features, including formatting tools, bullets and numbering, themes, and headers and footers. 

It must be noted that Practice is essential.

This short single Module Course examines the importance of maintaining standards of Professional Appearance in the workplace. Many companies implement a Dress Code policy that all employees need to adhere to, the reasons behind which are most often health and hygiene related, but are also important for company image and professionalism.

Some of the main reasons for controlled Appearance and Dress Code are mentioned, and at the end of the Module, the Learner should have a better understanding and appreciation for the topic. The Module consists of a Presentation, a Video. Learner Notes and is completed by successfully completing a short Quiz on the subject, by achieving a score in excess of 75%